I've never been the 'it' girl. I've never been prom queen. Never best dressed. Never popular. Never fashion fabulous.
I have a friend who is this. Well, she's most of things. I don't think she was prom queen. Everything she touches turns intoabsolute fabulousity.
Peopledesire what she does. They want what she wears.
She's one of thosereally put together people evenwhen
she has what she calls a 'bad hair day.' I envy her. Albeit, a bit jealous sometimes. But I do love her for who she is.
She loves mefor who I am: not put together, not fabulous, not fashion anything {I'm excited for my clothesthat fit me
pre-Isaiah/pre-pregnant which meansdated clothing},
there is nothing 'it'about me.
To say all of these debby-downer things only meansI have
something happy that's happening to me. I'm going to step
out and be brave. I'm going to showthe creative side of me.
I'm going to hold my head uphigh even if it doesn't go well.
I've got to stop living in the shadows. I can't let my insecurities
get in the way ofwhat I could possibly become. Am I scared? yes.
CouldI fail? yes. Could someone make things betterthan I can? probably.
I've got to try. So here it goes.....
check out my facebook page and maybe you'll fall in love with a pretty little lovely. :)
have you ever heard of the blog 'Little Miss Momma'? If you haven't, you need to. Right now.
I've been inspired by her. I need to change. Why is it so easy to hide who we are? Why does it seem impossible for people to accept us for who we are? I want to be real. To show my true colors. At all times. Why am I scared to? Because once they see who I am they might not want to be around me. They might see that I'm just normal.average.shy.scared.timid.anxiety ridden. I have few friends. Can you be too real? I want friends. I need friends. I am so alonein this earthly world. I need ladies to share life with. How do you change this? How do you change people to accept you for who you are? I am not a mean person this I know. I am fiercely loyal.respectful.loving.accepting.challenging.outspoken.honest. are you? will you be my friend? I need honest.loyal.encouraging.down-to-earth.won't judge me for what i'm wearing.true.friends.
Do you have a favorite weekday? I do. It's Thursdays. I've been working way more than a mommy should have to, but what happens on Thursdays? I get to spend all day with my bambino. Isn't he precious? He fell asleep on the way to the crafting haven of Michael's and Joann's . We had a little lunch date with Daddy {I won't tell you where we are because you'll judge me for giving my child food where you can also get food through a window :)}
I've been attempting to teach Isaiah to say "cheese" when taking a picture. He's slowly catching on to the idea. At first when I told him to say cheese, he wanted cheese. :)
Having a day off of work means I can take a few moments and create. Here's what I've been creating this week
How have you been spending your week? Hopefully you've had a chance to laugh and to enjoy the sweet love of family. :)
are you enjoying the sunshine? i sure am....until it gets hot and my boobs start to sweat. tmi? being a mommy is tmi. always. legit.
my love nest. all nice and bright and happy. do you like the 'sunshine' banner? those would be paint chips from Lowes....i felt like i was stealing them even though they are free. man-oh-man i have authority issues. i got the 'sunshine' banner idea from a blog but i can't find the link. oh well.
Did you have a fabulous 4th of July weekend? Mine was great i made this fabulous patriotic banner. i'm very proud of my sewing progress. if you love this banner like i do, gohere for the tutorial. i could make one of these for each holiday. easy and cute.
to make 4th of july happy and lovely i made these just some spray paint and spaghetti jars that my hubby wondered if they would ever get used.
have you ever had a skinny girl margarita? absolutely delicious. low cal & low carbs. and who wouldn't want to support the lovely bethenny frankel? {a bravo-lebrity}
and my main squeeze gotta dig the sunglasses...and the blurry phone pic. :)
There are many times in the first year of a child's life where the mommy must win the battle. Child sleeping through the night, telling child 'no' and sticking to it, weaning from the breast and going solely to the bottle, teaching the love of veggies.....and so on and so on. So what's the thing that I'm trying to win the battle on these days? Weaning from formula to cow's milk. I had really hoped that this would be an easy transition. Isaiah has been a pretty easy baby for the most part. He can be pretty stubborn at times, testing if what I say is really what I mean. But man oh man, getting rid of the formula has been a lot longer of a process than I had expected. First it was getting rid of the bottle {he's not a baby anymore! no more bottle! so crazy}, and now that darn formula. I'm realizing more and more it is the mode of transport to his mouth that allows him to drink more some days than others....which brings up how much baby stuff costs! Want to try a new sippy cup? You gotta drop $5-$10 every time! I was hoping we would be farther along with the weaning process to cow's milk. But, he is one smart cookie who knows what he wants. Our ratio at the moment is 6-8oz of formula to 1 oz. of cow's milk. I suppose this is one of those "battles" that I'm going to have to give loads of give and take. :)
I've realized the importance of exercising. It doesn't mean it happens. But I understand that it needs to start happening regularly in my life. So....I'm committing to all my peeps to learn the art of running. I actually love running. The wind in my hair, the sound of my feet hitting the pavement, the rhythmic breathing, the sweat. I feel accomplished after a run. But I can never stay consistent with it. And I have a 1 year old to boot. Maybe I'll run a 5k. That would be good motivation. Anyways, I'm veering off from what I wanted to say.
How do you exercise with a kid? Oh man, it's tough! Isaiah is one ants in his pants kid. The local lake is where I do my "running" since it's fairly level, with a few inclines and DUCKS. Thank the Lord for creating those domesticated ducks & geese. One day we were walking around said lake and we stopped to admire the geese and they were walking right up to us and if I let him, I think Isaiah would have touched one! {but i'm sure those lovely creatures also have lovely diseases too, right?} So, today, we made it one lap around the lake {which equals 1 mile} before the screaming ensued. *The key to exercising with a child who has ants in his pants: snacks.* I busted out one of my favorite snacks, Baby Mum Mum's {flavored rice cakes that are organic, easy for babies to hold, that keeps babies entertained for a good 1/4 mile}, and we were off for mile 2. All in all, I ran about 1 1/2 miles and walked the other 1/2 of a mile until I decided to stop and take Isaiah out of the jogging stroller. Why did I do this? What possessed me? We were close enough to the car that my beet red face and tired body could hold his 26lb. body if I had too....when I thought to myself that Isaiah might want some exercise too. I've realized the importance of my child seeing nature and smelling fresh air. Even if it is suburbia and a man made lake. He doesn't know the difference. Isaiah, I'm going to run for you. I want you to see that God gave each of us one body and it is a temple and we need to treat it as such.
Here's to hoping to 3 miles tomorrow before we enter screaming land. :)
After much thought, a little bit of prayer, a dash of daydreaming and a message from an old college friend, I've decided to hop back on the blog-wagon.
It's been a hard past few months for me in many ways that I really don't want to talk about, but it kind dawned on me yesterday that I should get back to it. I guess the thought of only having a few readers out in the world wide web was kind of discouraging. Then I thought to myself, maybe the people that do read this get something out of it. So, for all of you out there, and especially those mommy friends, I chose to continue this blog for you. I think sometimes we choose to read about someones life to make sure that they have flaws too. Not in a bad way, but to remind ourselves that none of us our perfect despite how it might seem from the outside. As a mommy, I think it can be extra difficult when you feel like you don't measure up to other moms, or your not the weight you want to be, or your not as creative as the next mommy...the list can go on and on. I know it could in my head if I allowed it to. But why would I? What would be the benefit from it? I know I'm not a perfect mom, or a perfect wife, daughter or friend. But we have all fallen short in God's eyes. Yet He still calls us by name with arms wide open.
So for those of you who choose to read these posts, I hope you enjoy. Maybe you'll be able to relate to something I'm going through as a mommy. Or maybe you just want to enjoy the pictures of my cute little boy I'll post now and then. Life is a beautiful journey and I hope you enjoy getting a glimpse into mine.