How do you exercise with a kid? Oh man, it's tough! Isaiah is one ants in his pants kid. The local lake is where I do my "running" since it's fairly level, with a few inclines and DUCKS. Thank the Lord for creating those domesticated ducks & geese. One day we were walking around said lake and we stopped to admire the geese and they were walking right up to us and if I let him, I think Isaiah would have touched one! {but i'm sure those lovely creatures also have lovely diseases too, right?} So, today, we made it one lap around the lake {which equals 1 mile} before the screaming ensued. *The key to exercising with a child who has ants in his pants: snacks.* I busted out one of my favorite snacks, Baby Mum Mum's {flavored rice cakes that are organic, easy for babies to hold, that keeps babies entertained for a good 1/4 mile}, and we were off for mile 2. All in all, I ran about 1 1/2 miles and walked the other 1/2 of a mile until I decided to stop and take Isaiah out of the jogging stroller. Why did I do this? What possessed me? We were close enough to the car that my beet red face and tired body could hold his 26lb. body if I had too....when I thought to myself that Isaiah might want some exercise too.

I've realized the importance of my child seeing nature and smelling fresh air. Even if it is suburbia and a man made lake. He doesn't know the difference. Isaiah, I'm going to run for you. I want you to see that God gave each of us one body and it is a temple and we need to treat it as such.
Here's to hoping to 3 miles tomorrow before we enter screaming land. :)
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