
a smile and a binky

A smile. A simple, simple smile. Could you imagine learning how to smile for the first time? What an organic natural thing for us as humans to learn. I am not capable of teaching my son such a unique, special talent that will stick with him for the rest of his life. He was born with this ability and he taught himself to move the correct muscles in his face to cause such joy to be apparent on his face. I love watching him smile. It makes waking up at 3:30am completely worth it. Do you see how his eyes smile? I hope he never loses the joy that he has on his face.

A friend of mine gave me a book that she wrote called "Days of Whine and Noses"....a book for the "tuckered out" mom. During a few free moments that I had I read the chapter that's all about binkies. Fortunately for me, thus far in my motherhood journey of 3 weeks and 3 days, Isaiah doesn't need his binky. I give it to him when he has the freakish urge to suck and that's it. But I'm getting way off in what I wanted to say. In this chapter about "binkies," Lisa talks about how its a comfort measure for the baby. And then she poses the question, what's mommy's comfort measure? What did I do before baby to help me relax? She reminds us mommies how important it is to find what relaxes us and what makes us happy and do it. I don't know if I have something that I do that makes me happy. I enjoy reading, being creative, making music, watching TV, hanging with friends...but I've never really done anything on a consistent basis that makes me go 'ahhh.' I guess I need to find a hobby. A good one that I can stick with and not blow off mid way through. So here's to finding a hobby whatever it may be so that I have my own binky to help me relax.

1 comment:

  1. Yay! You have a blog!! I added myself as a follower AND I added it to my feed at work, so I will definitely be following this! :-)

