
the magic blanket, white noise and smelling summer

There are two things that Isaiah needs to have a peaceful nap. The "swaddle me" (aka magic blanket/lifesaver/or as my older brother fondly put it as: a straight jacket) and his white noise. The magic blanket is this marvelous invention some desperate mother I'm sure invented after getting tired of trying to use a receiving blanket to swaddle her child only to have him kick out of it moments later. This blanket was invented for Isaiah and his freakish cricket legs and arms (which will be discussed I'm sure on a later post) so that they are incapable of getting lose. The velcro on this thing is awesome. That box to the right of his head, that's the insides of the sleep sheep that a few mommies told the hubby about and out of desperation went and purchased. Best $28 spent. It makes "white noise" i.e. rain, ocean, heartbeat and whale noises. Isaiah prefers the rain and the ocean~the whale sound is kinda creepy. Once you wrap him in the magic blanket and turn the white noise on, he's out like trout almost instantly. Amazing. I wish I had my own magic blanket to get me to sleep that quickly.

Knowing that summer is here for me, means the smell of fresh cut grass. Seriously. Not the smell of a baseball field and the screaming fans, or the BBQ ready for the first meat of the season to sizzle away on it, and not even the smell of sunscreen. For me, it's that smell right after the grass has been mowed and edged-as if it were a warm embrace for the children to come run on or for the special blanket that has the sole purpose for where your rump sits so you don't get those pesky grass stains. I know, random. But today, I smelled summer and it was oh-so-sweet. It brings me back to my childhood when I would have been dead asleep on a Saturday morning to be awaken by my dad mowing the lawn. I'm sure at the time I would have liked to have screamed out "stop the madness! Do you have any idea what time it is?!?!" but now, my nose remembers that familiar smell and reminds me that summer is here. I wonder what smells Isaiah will remember that will bring him back to those special memories that we have yet to create.

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