
grow. I saw this sign today while in Carlsbad with my mum...I love it. I love the simplicity of the sign and the beautiful sunflower as a centerpiece. :) But it got me thinking. We all want to grow in some way or another. And there has been a lot of growing in my life in the past few weeks. Isaiah is growing so quickly. He's more alert, he's aware of his surroundings, obsessed with ceiling fans, eager to stand and loves the way his hands look. I'm growing. Hopefully not on the outside but on the inside. Although I do think my hair is growing at a rapidly swift pace. Brian and I are facing many changes and I'm not totally flipping out (growth for sure). My faith is growing....deeper in my faith and relying on the unseen beauty of Christ.

I think this is how I want to decorate my house when we finally have a house that we are going to live in for a substantial amount of time. A garden inside my house. It's so peaceful and relaxing. :)

Growth is an important thing in all of our lives. Think about it....where is growth happening in your life?

1 comment:

  1. Hey Emily its Jessica Samberg from High School I just love reading your posts! Just thought I would let you know that you inspire me!
