
The hubby wanted me to blog. Well, he more has been nagging me all day when I was going to post again. I don't understand why-he's sitting right next to me and knows my deepest thoughts. What could I say that he hasn't already heard? I don't know. But here I am. Blogging.

I've realized that watching TV and being on my computer while Isaiah sleeps is starting to get mundane. So, for a change of pace, and for my brain, I picked up a book today while at Target and started reading. I love reading. The problem is, is that I get side tracked way too easily and then forget to finish the book. So, I grabbed "Eat, Pray, Love" and am loving it thus far. I figured I could read it quickly and then go see Julia Roberts bring it to life. And since a third of it takes place in Italy, maybe I'll know some of the sights she talks about and can relive that wonderful trip in my head.

On the baby front.....
My child is addicted to standing up. It's assisted standing, but he loves it. He actually gets this really REALLY focused look on his face, turns red and grunts all while trying to use those chicken legs of his. It's really cute. He'll probably end up being on of "those kids" that bypasses crawling and goes to walking....so excited for the next phase hope he doesn't miss just being held.

1 comment:

  1. I'm with Brian on this one - I'm glad you blogged again! :-)
