

something i've dreamed about for oh, the past 6 1/2 weeks plus the third trimester of pregnancy.
i finally got sleep. legit sleep.
Isaiah slept through the night! Not just one night, but TWO nights! It was a crazy thing to wake up and feel the sun on me and realizing that I didn't wake up at all the night before to feed him. After the hubby turned to me and asked if I fed him in the middle of the night and I said no, I really had to think about....did I or did I not feed him last night? Maybe I was only half awake and don't remember? But, no I did not feed him! It was a beautiful thing. It's funny what happens to you once you become a mom. I'm proud of my son for sleeping through the night~such a silly milestone when I say it out loud, but important to me none the less. I can't imagine how proud I'll be when he graduates from Kindergarten, or when he catches a baseball for the first time, or when he takes his first steps....I've become one of those crazy parents. But, I guess we all have it in us to be "those crazy parents" and we all want to be them. I've dreamed of being a parent for pretty much as long as I can remember and when I look at my son, I can't believe it's here. I'm soaking in the moments with this truly precious gift from heaven....however cheesy and sappy it sounds.

Goodnight my dear son. May you forever have a good nights rest.

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